Audio: Rudy Giuliani’s Ferret Freak-Out

Now, look, I could say that Rudy Giuliani’s rant about ferrets and the people who love them said something about his possible presidential temperament, and maybe it does – but its more like it’s just a funny audio clip of a major political figure – the mayor of New York, later a Republican candidate for … Read more

So You’re Saying…

The vice-president shot a guy? So here’s a legitimate question: do you think that if Al Gore had shot someone that the media wouldn’t hear/report it for 24 hours? And were the police called – is there a police report of this incident of the Vice President shooting someone? Questions swirl. Lest we forget what … Read more

White House Launches Attack On Spears

Britney Spears

WASHINGTON — The White House responded furiously to the recent allegations leveled by the marginally talented Britney Spears, where she claimed “Don’t ya know that your toxic?” in an obvious allusion to the administration’s preparedness for terrorist attacks. Vice President Cheney emerged from his hyperbaric chamber to tell an intoxicated Rush Limbaugh that “Spears is … Read more

Might As Well Make It Eleven

BOSTON, Ma. – In a move that stunned the ten existing Democratic campaigns, Oliver Willis announced his candidacy for the presidency today. “We’ve got several senators, a governor, and a four-star general. So I figured the party needs someone with the experience for the job. That man is me.”, Willis said at his campaign kickoff, … Read more