Bush’s Soldier From A Right-Wing Propaganda Org

The soldier Bush referenced in his speech (“We soldiers of yours are doing great and scoring victories in confronting the evil terrorists.”) is part of a right-wing propaganda outfit. See here. “Joe Roche serves with the U.S. Army’s 16th Combat Engineer Battalion in Iraq and is an adjunct fellow at the National Center for Public … Read more

White House Launches Attack On Spears

Britney Spears

WASHINGTON — The White House responded furiously to the recent allegations leveled by the marginally talented Britney Spears, where she claimed “Don’t ya know that your toxic?” in an obvious allusion to the administration’s preparedness for terrorist attacks. Vice President Cheney emerged from his hyperbaric chamber to tell an intoxicated Rush Limbaugh that “Spears is … Read more

OW.Com Exclusive: Bill Campenni Talks

[this is real, and not my usual parody foolishness :)] I got in contact with Bill Campenni, known as the witness (possibly) to George W Bush’s missing year. I asked him why he chose just now to finally come forth with his story and his reply was that “The stupidity reached a critical mass”. He also says … Read more


This letter in the Washington Times from William Campenni (linked by Instapundit) is curiously identical to this one sent to the UK Observer The Observer (of Virginia).

Might As Well Make It Eleven

BOSTON, Ma. – In a move that stunned the ten existing Democratic campaigns, Oliver Willis announced his candidacy for the presidency today. “We’ve got several senators, a governor, and a four-star general. So I figured the party needs someone with the experience for the job. That man is me.”, Willis said at his campaign kickoff, … Read more

Terror And Bush

Michael Totten is a pretty smart guy, so it makes me pipe up when I think that he’s way off base on something. Essentially Michael’s argument says that 9.11 so changed the philosophy of President Bush that he has been enlightened, and has decided to bring freedom to the oppressed in the hopes of fighting terrorism. The … Read more

The Return Of The Democrats

The right is whining. They are in control of all three branches of the government, but they’re whining. Why? Because for the first time since the 2000 election the left is fighting back. Across the entire spectrum of Democratic politics the ascendancy of George Bush to the White House was a cause for concern, partially … Read more

I Get Mad

I’m not your standard issue liberal who believes in peace and flowers and the idea that we should all sing cumbaya as we’re led to slaughter. I believe that the intelligent and humane application of military force is warranted in situations where the lives of our citizens are threatened, or when innocents are being persecuted. As … Read more

Really Winning

I suppose that now is as good a time as any to clarify where I stand on this war. Over the many months as the focus shifted from Osama to Saddam, my contention has been that – yes – we would win this war and it would be quick. I had and still have my … Read more