OW.Com Exclusive: Bill Campenni Talks

[this is real, and not my usual parody foolishness :)] I got in contact with Bill Campenni, known as the witness (possibly) to George W Bush’s missing year. I asked him why he chose just now to finally come forth with his story and his reply was that “The stupidity reached a critical mass”. He also says … Read more

The Return Of The Democrats

The right is whining. They are in control of all three branches of the government, but they’re whining. Why? Because for the first time since the 2000 election the left is fighting back. Across the entire spectrum of Democratic politics the ascendancy of George Bush to the White House was a cause for concern, partially … Read more


I realized I would have a problem with religion on the day I asked my mom at the age of about 6 or 7, “so, who came first – the cavemen or Adam & Eve?”. My brain didn’t get the fact that these two are basically mutually exclusive. How would I know? I went to … Read more