Willie Fred Duncan is a police officer with the Detroit Police Department. Duncan has been accused of forced sex with a woman.
Duncan has served on the police force for 20 years. He has pleaded not guilty to the charge.
Duncan Charged With Sexual Assault. “A Detroit police officer has been charged with criminal sexual conduct in the third degree following accusations he forced sex on a woman. The rape charge against officer Willie Fred Duncan was filed Aug. 18.” [Fox 2]
Judge: Allegation That Duncan Entered Woman’s House, Forced Her Into Sex. “The judge said there is a “very extensive” investigative report on the allegations against Duncan, calling them “troubling at best.” “Mr. Duncan allegedly did enter the complainant’s home and forcibly engaged in sex with her against her will,” the judge said” [Click On Detroit]
Police Say They’ve Been Working With Prosecutor On Duncan Case. “The Detroit Police Department at a press conference Friday said they have been working closely with the Wayne County Prosecutor’s office and that another alleged victim, an employee of the department, had come forward after a May incident.” [WXYZ]
Female Officer Also Alleged That Duncan Assaulted Her. “Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy’s office worked with the Detroit Police Department to investigate Duncan after a 39-year-old female officer with the department alleged she was assaulted by Duncan after she returned home from a party at 3 a.m. on February 20.” [MLive]
One of the first political bloggers in the world, Oliver Willis has operated OliverWillis.com since 2000. Contributor at Media Matters for America and The American Independent. Follow on Twitter at @owillis. Full bio.
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