Julie Rizzitello is a 36 year old woman from Brick Township, New Jersey. She worked as a teacher at Wall High School located in Brick Township. Police have accused her of assaulting a student.
Julie Rizzitello Arrest Details
Julie Rizzitello Arrested. “Julie Rizzitello, 36, was arrested Wednesday and charged with two counts of sexual assault and one count of criminal sexual contact, according to municipal court records. The alleged offenses occurred on May 18, according to the records. The charges indicate that Rizzitello is an educator, and the victim a student. One of the alleged sexual assaults occurred in Belmar, and another in Brick, according to the complaints. The alleged criminal sexual contact occurred in Wall, the complaints said.” [Asbury Park Press]
Rizzitello Accused Of Assault In Car. “The pair allegedly engaged in sexual acts in his car in Brick on May 14, and she later sent him nude photos, according to authorities. Rizzitello and the teen also allegedly had sexual contact in Belmar and Wall, and shared “numerous” sexual communications with each other, according to the court document and prosecutors. Rizzitello, of Brick, taught ninth grade English and SAT prep at Wall High, according to her now-deleted school profile page. She was hired by the Wall Township Public Schools in 2013, and earned a salary of $62,000, state pension records show.” [NY Post]
Police: Rizzitello Sent Nudes To Student. “The complaints allege the inappropriate relationship began in April, with Rizzitello molesting the victim. By May 18, the conduct had escalated to sexual relations, which occurred that day in the victim’s car in Brick, according to the complaints and an affidavit of probable cause to charge Rizzitello with the offenses. After the first time they had sex, Rizzitello sent the victim nude photos of herself, the victim told police, according to the affidavit. He told authorities that he continued to have sex with his teacher on multiple occasions at locations in Wall, Belmar and Brick through June 14, the affidavit said.” [APP]
Charges Filed In Multiple Counties. “Charges were filed both in Monmouth and Ocean counties. Rizzitello was arrested on Wednesday and transported to the Monmouth County Correctional Institution, where she remains incarcerated pending a detention hearing to take place in Monmouth County Superior Court.” [1010]
One of the first political bloggers in the world, Oliver Willis has operated OliverWillis.com since 2000. Contributor at Media Matters for America and The American Independent. Follow on Twitter at @owillis. Full bio.
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