Who Is Anthony Fullman? Irvine Football Coach Adderall Arrest

Anthony Fullman
Anthony Fullman

Anthony Fullman is a 30 year old man from Foothill Ranch, California. He works as a football coach at  Portola High School in Irvine, California. Police have accused Fullman of giving Adderall medication to football players at the school. He has been charged with suspicion of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, furnishing a controlled substance to a minor and an enhancement for furnishing a controlled substance to a minor on a school campus.

Anthony Fullman Arrest Details

Fullman Arrested, Accused Of Giving Players Adderall. “Staff at the high school notified police on Monday that the part-time PE teacher, who is also the assistant coach of the football team, had possibly provided Adderall to a few players on the team, according to a news release. Detectives investigated the allegations and uncovered evidence that Fullman provided a few students with Adderall during the 2021 football season, Irvine Police said.” [KTLA]

Fullman Hired For 2020-21 School Year, Grew Up In Irvine. “I actually grew up in Irvine. I went to high school down the road, Northwood, and moved back after college. I went to school in Washington, moved back and wanted to get back involved in the school district, so I started coaching [football] at Portola almost immediately for the last three years with Peter Abe. I really wanted to get involved, and I saw an opportunity to step up when they needed a PE teacher” [Portola Pilot]