Republican Attempts To Subvert Elections: The Evidence

Documenting ongoing efforts by the Republican Party across the United States to subvert the results of elections in their favor.

Michigan Republican Candidates Removed From Ballots For Fraudulent Signatures. “The Michigan Court of Appeals kept two Republican candidates off the Aug. 2 primary ballot Wednesday, declaring that election officials suspecting signature fraud had no obligation to examine campaign petitions line by line. The court first ruled against Perry Johnson, a wealthy businessman considered to be a leading candidate for the Republican nomination, and then applied the 12-page decision to investment adviser Michael Markey.” [NBC]

Donald Trump’s “Save America PAC” Made A Fraudulent Claim That Brian Kemp Won His Primary Via Fraud. “Trump’s “Save America” PAC on Tuesday posted a Substack article by former Newsmax correspondent Emerald Robinson on its news feed entitled “Something Stinks in Georgia.” The article groundlessly questions the legitimacy of Kemp’s win last week against Trump-endorsed candidate David Perdue in the Republican gubernatorial primary.” [Yahoo]