Mitch McConnell House Vandalized: Photos And Facts

Mitch McConnell’s house in Kentucky was vandalized with graffiti. The same happened to the house of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Mitch McConnell's Vandalized House Door

Mitch McConnell’s Vandalized House Door

AP: McConnell, Pelosi Homes Vandalized. “Vandals lashed out at the leaders of the U.S. House and Senate over the holiday weekend, blighting their homes with graffiti and in one case a pig’s head as Congress failed to approve an increase in the amount of money being sent to individuals to help cope with the coronavirus pandemic.” [AP]

Details Of McConnell House Incident

Mitch McConnell House Vandalized With “Where’s My Money.” “The Kentucky home of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was vandalized just days after he refused to allow the upper chamber to vote on boosting stimulus checks to $2,000. ‘WERES MY MONEY’ was spray painted on the front door to McConnell’s home in the Highlands section of Louisville on Saturday.” [Mail Online]

McConnell Statement On Home Vandalization Called It A “Radical Tantrum.” “McConnell said in a statement Saturday morning that “I’ve spent my career fighting for the First Amendment and defending peaceful protest. I appreciate every Kentuckian who has engaged in the democratic process whether they agree with me or not.” “This is different,” he continued. “Vandalism and the politics of fear have no place in our society.” He concluded: “My wife and I have never been intimidated by this toxic playbook. We just hope our neighbors in Louisville aren’t too inconvenienced by this radical tantrum.”” [Courier Journal]

Police Say Vandals Struck At 5AM. “The rest of McConnell’s home was not damaged. According to the Louisville Metro Police Department, the incident happened around 5 a.m. There are currently no suspects. The investigation is ongoing.” [WLKY]

Video Of Graffiti At McConnell House

Video footage of the graphitti painted on Mitch McConnell’s house:

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