President Biden said the modern Republican Party is worse for America than infamous segregationist Strom Thurmond:
President Biden, speaking at a campaign fundraiser in San Francisco on Wednesday night, compared current Republicans in Congress to the “real racists” he served with as a senator in the 1970s and claimed today’s GOP lawmakers are “worse” and have “become a party of chaos and division.”
“I’ve been a senator since ’72. I’ve served with real racists. I’ve served with Strom Thurmond,” Biden said, referencing the South Carolina Republican senator who died in 2003. “I’ve served with all these guys that have set terrible records on race. But guess what? These guys are worse. These guys do not believe in basic democratic principles.”
Thurmond led a filibuster against the 1957 Civil Rights Act and voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act that was championed by Martin Luther King and eventually signed by President Lyndon Johnson.
One of the first political bloggers in the world, Oliver Willis has operated since 2000. Contributor at Media Matters for America and The American Independent. Follow on Twitter at @owillis. Full bio.